Monday, June 30, 2014

I'm back!

Okay, so I had a family blog about a thousand years ago and deleted it when I went back to work years back. I just couldn't keep up with the posts and was getting slack from family and friends to update them. That being said, I still follow a bunch of family blogs and teacher blogs, but I haven't created one in a long time. 

So, here I am again, in the blog-osphere! This time, as a teacher, not a mom!
And...with that I guess I'll jump into our assignment. Why blog as a teacher? I suppose I could come up with a bunch of reasons, but the one that jumps out to me is being part of a community.  I can't tell you how many times I've been on Pinterest and found useful tips/resources on teacher blogs.  Also, I've found tons of free printables on teacher blogs.  It's fun and inspiring to see what other teachers in different parts of the country are doing in their classrooms and with their students.  I feel like it can be limiting to see only what teachers are doing in my school. Don't get me wrong, there are great ideas and AMAZING teachers in my building (JCT!! #jcttheplacetoteach), but how great is it to have endless access to teachers' ideas and thoughts!?
I've gotten so many ideas from teacher blogs, below are just a few:
* bulletin board inspiration
* PD suggested books
* templates for student work
* sensory ideas (Autism related)
* templates for guided reading 
* SpEd/resource templates for data tracking

Like I said earlier, there are clearly MANY reasons to have a teacher blog.  Many reasons are arguably more important than community, but for me (a newer teacher) this sharing and "being a part of a teaching community" is huge.

So in an effort to share a's a link to my "i heart my job" Pinterest link! There are 858 pins on there, hope you find some good ideas!

Good luck! Happy Blogging!